Founded in 2021, Chege Ministries is making an impact in Africa with the teaching and preaching of the message of the cross. James and Melissa Chege and their 5 children have sacrificed the comforts of America and moved to Kenya, Africa. They have made it their mission to see that the people of Kenya and Africa as a whole hear the Gospel. They feel led to do this by training the called, reaching the lost and providing for those in need. They believe all people can live a victorious life in Christ Jesus and desire to see lives transformed through the message of Christ and Him crucified.
Proclaim, Disciple, Send
Proclaim the Gospel of Jesus Christ and Him crucified to the nations.
Discipling people in the word of God to live a victorious life in Christ Jesus.
Sending the equipped to further the Gospel of Jesus.
All donations go to the work of furthering the Gospel throughout Africa.
Your donation will support pastoral meetings, conferences, school outreach, bible distribution, feeding the hungry, supporting the orphans and providing school fees for the less fortunate.